Illustration of a Conservation volunteer on a survey dive

Best Marine Conservation Programs in 2024

Protect precious marine life with our Conservation Projects abroad

By Amelia McKinlay | 14th June, 2019
Updated on 08th December, 2023

What are the best marine conservation volunteer programs?

The ocean is the life source of our planet. It provides the oxygen we breathe. It regulates our climate and weather patterns. It provides food, medicine, transportation, and recreation.

Without marine life, we simply wouldn't exist!

Despite the benefits of the oceans, they are under threat. Plastic pollution, overfishing, and climate change are compromising the health of our waters.

These threats are diverse and complex so it can be hard to know how you can help combat these issues. However, we've partnered with marine conservation programs around the world. This means you can become an integral part of protecting our oceans.

Here are some of the best Marine Conservation volunteer programs:

Read on below to discover how you can make a difference.

Shark Conservation volunteers complete a beach clean up during their project in Fiji

Support Coral Reefs in Thailand

Want to get PADI (the Professional Association of Diving Instructors) certified and save the ocean at the same time? Join our Marine Conservation Programme in Thailand on the beautiful beaches of Koh Tao! 

In your first week as a Marine Conservation volunteer in Thailand, you'll learn to scuba dive. This is your chance to get your PADI Open Water Diver certification.

After training, you’ll help with marine surveys and coral planting to promote the health of our oceans. Coral propagation is a cost-effective way to breed corals and restore reefs. More importantly, it reduces the demand placed on reefs, preserving endangered species.

On land, you’ll participate in beach clean-ups along the coastline. Litter and rubbish can be extremely harmful to marine wildlife. You’ll also raise awareness in the local community of the importance of protecting our oceans.

Plus, you'll plant mangroves along the coastline. Mangroves protect coasts from erosion and absorb a large amount of carbon from the atmosphere.

This Marine Conservation program is a great way to get your hands dirty. It’s also a start towards better health for our oceans.

Learn more about our Marine Conservation Projects in Thailand:

Projects Abroad volunteers clear fishing nets from the coral reefs during their Conservation Project in Thailand

Protect Sharks in Fiji

As apex predators, sharks prevent the overpopulation of certain fish species. This makes them crucial to the health of our marine environment. If you’re interested in shark conservation volunteer work, this is the project for you!

In Fiji, you’ll work alongside the WWF and Project AWARE to feed, identify, and tag sharks.

"It was insane that our first experience as newly certified divers would be shared with more than 30 bull sharks. I was amazed with all the work done through the shark dive. The team were amazing and made sure everyone felt safe and secure throughout the dive. I am itching to go back and experience it all again." - Nina, Shark Conservation High School Special in Fiji

If you’re an adventurer with a passion for the environment, this project will expose you to cutting-edge research.

Our Marine Conservation Project in Fiji is helping to keep sharks off the critically endangered species list. After you receive your PADI certificate, you’ll help staff collect data. This data comes from survey dives, shark tagging, and Baited Remote Underwater Videos (BRUVs).

Moreover, you’ll help reduce the number of sharks killed by humans each year. You'll achieve this by raising awareness of the importance of sharks to the ecosystem.

Learn more about our Marine Conservation Projects in Fiji:

A shark spotted while on a marine dive during the Conservation Project in Fiji

Rescue and Release Sea Turtles in Mexico

Where can you live on the beach and help save the ocean by protecting sea turtles? Mexico it is!

On this project, you’ll help protect sea turtles by identifying and relocating turtle nests to a protected area. This ensures the survival of the nests. Once the eggs have hatched, you can release the hatchlings and watch them waddle towards freedom!

You’ll also take part in biodiversity studies to monitor local wildlife. You’ll collect essential data to inform conservation experts.

You can also work with crocodiles, clean up beaches, and participate in environmental education programs.

"Staying at the turtle camp was a once in a lifetime experience I will never forget! From waking up to the sound of the waves crashing on the beach every morning; to seeing the sun set over the ocean every evening, every second spent there was incredible." -Jennifer, Sea Turtle & Coastal Conservation in Mexico

Learn more about our Marine Conservation Projects in Mexico:

A baby sea turtle is help by a volunteer while the tanks are being cleaned in Mexico

Conserve Sea Lions and Giant Tortoises in the Galapagos

Channel your inner Charles Darwin! Join one of the best Marine Conservation programs for volunteers in the Galapagos Islands!

We’re the only organization to have an official partnership with the Galapagos National Park. This means you’ll get to experience Ecuador like no other volunteer.

On this project, you'll monitor petrel birds and participate in a marine iguana census. Marine iguanas are the world’s only oceangoing lizards. They play an important role in maintaining the balance of the delicate ocean ecosystem.

You’ll also assist in monitoring local sea lion and giant tortoise populations. This is important work as it helps us keep track of the rich and unique biodiversity of the island.

You'll further protect the ocean by cleaning up beaches. This will help protect vulnerable marine life from unnecessary dangers, facilitating the restoration of natural habitats. 

Learn more about our Conservation Projects in Ecuador:

A marine iguana lies on a rock on the Galapagos Islands in Ecuador

Saving the ocean is within your grasp! Join one of our Marine Conservation Projects and start protecting marine life today.

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Contact us to get started!

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